Monday, May 25, 2009

Up for Grabs, Perhaps~

So maybe I just havent been to an American arcade in ages but I was blown away at what was up for grabs in the UFO space catchers, aka cranes, aka ?? at the Japanese "game center". For just 200yen (or 2$) a try you can go for your favorite jumbo candy, a new fami-con (old nintendo), or even a live spider!! Of course the catcher is rigged in various ways so you can never get what you want, but if you try long enough you can complain to a staff member who will then re-adjust the position of your desired item, or even just give it to you! Of course we realized that the fami-con was taped down and a total scam, but I am sure you could win your favorite spider if you tried hard enough!
In the same building as the game center "donut" shaped burgers are for sale...totally unappetizing...but inventive indeed!

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