Thursday, May 28, 2009

It begins with a pen ~

Today I went to a trial "pen calligraphy class". I had taken a calligraphy class in Tokyo and really enjoyed it but there was so much that I didnt know about the characters themselves that after learning to hold the brush, and create the ink from a kind of incense flavored stick, I couldnt accomplish much in just 5 classes. Thats why I decided to take a "pen calligraphy" class. Thats the name of the class I went to tonight but when I got there everyone was practicing the chinese characters used in Japan, called kanji, with brushes just like a normal calligraphy class. On top of that the teacher had come in while I was registering at the front desk and didnt seem too happy to have me joining the class.
Writing calligraphy is a kind of meditation so that when we entered the room everyone was already silently practicing their characters. But i expected at least a greeting from the teacher. not to be had. so i sat silently in the front for a few minutes thinking about how to get out of the class because it clearly wasnt what I was looking for and the teacher didnt have enough decency to make me feel welcome. he shoved a paper with hand painted characters on it, and asked

"can you read this?"

it was really hard and I couldnt read more than a few words. so I read what I could and let him figure me out. then he asked
"have you ever held a brush?"

I said yeah but he was expecting a no so he said

and I said
"yes I have held a brush".

then he went away again, allowing me to fume for a few minutes. finally when he was in my vicinity again, i pulled out the list of classes offered by the culture center (conveniently across the hall from where I work on Thursdays) and said

"I thought this was a pen writing class, which is what I am looking for. I have taken brush calligraphy before but I want to do pen calligraphy."

He said
"you can use whatever you want. You want to do something like this?"

then he handed me a pen-written poem about being one with nature. i didnt know it till then but that is exactly what i want. i am interested in writing poetry and i would like to graduate from writing like a 1st grader. two birds with one stone! i got psyched and told him after reading it about ten times
"this is good".
he asked
"dont you have a pen?"

well they told me not to bring anything since it was a trial class. so no.
a nice classmate gave me paper and he gave me a pen. and this is where my new hobby begins...

Nothing Beats Cheap Easy Eats

boneless filet of salmon, sold to be eaten raw for about 250yen ($2.50). its great as sashimi, or raw fish, but its even better grilled with a little garlic-yuzu flavored mayo (thats garlic~lime mayo, trust me its good!). and it only takes about 4 minutes to grill through. to accompany it is some spinach salad with sesame dressing. and some lotus root. in total this meal cost about $6. super yummy. and super healthy.
i dont even consider this a japanese meal, just a meal in japan and something that definately couldnt be accomplished as cheap or easily in the states.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Hot Spring Mecca

Just an hour away by a one man train is the hot spring mecca Yufuin. Its an escape back in time of sorts to the streets lined with little shops and hot spring hospitality that makes two relaxing days feel like a week long trip.

~Weeping Willow Watching~

~Kinrin Lake~
lake on a hot bed
meets the morning cold
seeping steam as grass collects dew

Morning Mountain: View from Our Hotel

Afternoon Mountain: View from Our Hotel

Themes of two and quite a few

Up for Grabs, Perhaps~

So maybe I just havent been to an American arcade in ages but I was blown away at what was up for grabs in the UFO space catchers, aka cranes, aka ?? at the Japanese "game center". For just 200yen (or 2$) a try you can go for your favorite jumbo candy, a new fami-con (old nintendo), or even a live spider!! Of course the catcher is rigged in various ways so you can never get what you want, but if you try long enough you can complain to a staff member who will then re-adjust the position of your desired item, or even just give it to you! Of course we realized that the fami-con was taped down and a total scam, but I am sure you could win your favorite spider if you tried hard enough!
In the same building as the game center "donut" shaped burgers are for sale...totally unappetizing...but inventive indeed!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh Oita!

~Scenes from the homefront~

Blogger Beginnings

~documenting precious impressions~

I created this blog for myself, friends, family, and anyone interested in the luminous land of the rising sun. here you will find things that i find fascinating, daily experiences, and downright hilariousness. starting with this:

Yesterday I was watching TV, finding myself understanding Japanese more than ever before, and fascinated by the crazy inventive ideas coming out this well-oiled, never resting, work-a-holic machine of an island.

New products for sale this month:

1. Speechless Spectators DVD
Menu options: Presentation, Meeting, Interview, Speech
So you buy the DVD, from the menu you select...speech, lets say. press play.
Thirty expressionless Japanese men and women in the uniform which is unwritten law for japanese workers (black suit. white button up shirt.) appear on screen. after a moment they sit down. and then, they stare...stare...stare at you. there, you with your speech, written on note cards take a deep breath and deliver your speech to your TV screen. the onlookers challenge you with their silence, reticence, and undeniable ability for keeping a straight face. this carrys on for 10, 20, 30 minutes. enough time for shy consumers to practice giving their speech, or interview, or presentation, or conducting a meeting. i would buy this thing just to watch how long these "actors" can stare into a camera without cracking a smile. me cracking up all the while.

2. Iron-maiden Alarm clock
snooze option? no way
Its a 1km barbell that goes off until sleepyhead consumers pump it thirty times, surely waking up in the process. and getting a workout at that. ah, the shapes and colors of healthy japanese living.

3. Navigating Prospective Theft
GPS system for the car connected with up to date police data that notifies you how "dangerous" the area you are driving in is based on car theft specifics. you wonder why japan is so safe. super advanced communications not policing per se. yea, you can buy lunch with your cell phone, just touch it to the pad and the charge shows up on your cell phone bill. just dont lose the damn thing. on 2nd thought, someone would certainly return it so...

Prescriptions from the Boob-tube
Japan Inside Out
other TV that I enjoyed today was a show where all the top comedians compete for 1,000,000yen, thats like $10,000. the first round the comedian stands on a stage shaped like a half moon, around which a conveyor belt circles. yea like the sushi conveyor belt. except on this one there isnt sushi coming around, but all different kinds of poker faced people (yet again). before the comedian takes stage, 5 people in the audience are randomly selected and the camera shoots to them based on the number that appears on the screen and corresponds with the number tag on their shirt. these sushi specimens keep a straight face while the comedian tries to think of a nickname for them that make 3 of the selected people laugh. it seems like a small task, until you realize that the audience members are equally skilled at keeping a straight face as the sushi specimens and the speech spectators alike. its just downright silly. but one of my favorite comedians Kojima Yoshio who always appears in a speedo was the only winner.
the pure contradiction of how comedians act and dress, or rather dont, is such a stark contrast from japanese people in daily life, that their comic relief is a well-needed dose of daily medicine.

Kojima Yoshio
~whats that got to do with it~

my other favorite comedian was the first one to lose on tonights show :(

i swear he's cute when he smiles :)
